Chakra Deck for Inner Exploration and Daily Sadhana

Chakra Deck for Inner Exploration and Daily Sadhana
This easy to use chakra deck includes 7 cards for each of the 7 main chakras, 49 in total. Those cards include the following for each chakra:
- bija mantra
- (3) three affirmations
- (3) three self-inquiry questions
1) Review as a reference for a deeper understanding of the chakras and their connection to our experience.
2) Shuffle the deck and intuitively draw a card daily with the intention to receive inspiration on which chakra is speaking to your experience, either in your practice or to start the day.
3) Focus on one chakra at a time, starting from the root chakra, and work your way through the chakra system, guiding yourself on a journey of inner exploration.
4) For practitioners or teachers, pull a card to guide the energy of a class, incorporating the card as a class theme or overall intention.