In selflessness, we find true leadership: Taking my bodhisattva vows

The last few months have been… interesting, to say the least. I transitioned out of a work environment that wasn’t the healthiest. Among other things, that experience contributed to second-guessing my own purpose, direction, and outlook on the meaning-driven work that I do.

This became the perfect season to take my Bodhisattva vows. The vows served as a beautiful reminder, reset, and re-dedication to purpose- holding sacred space for others to help them get FREE.

The bodhisattva vows emphasize compassionate action and service to others as central to the Mahayana path, over and above merely seeking personal enlightenment. In the words of Shantideva, "May I become at all times, both now and forever, a protector for those without protection, a guide for those who have lost their way, a ship for those with oceans to cross, a bridge for those with rivers to cross, a sanctuary for those in danger, a lamp for those without light, a place of refuge for those who lack shelter, and a servant to all in need." The vows are a commitment to live one's life for the benefit of all beings.

Bhikkhu Bodhi says, "the bodhisattva path is a path of universal responsibility; it is that of the one who decides to shoulder the burden of the suffering world, who commits himself or herself to a lifetime of service, and who makes a vow to attain enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings."

This vow encourages me to continue leading with empathy, humility, and a deep commitment to serving others. As I am planning what’s next for me, this vow reminds me that in selflessness, we find true leadership.

PS- my Bodhisattva name means “Empowerment Dharma Holder”

Shawn Moore