De-stress in a few moments with Straw Breathing
Our breath is a powerful tool, with major influence on the prana, or energy, that we take in. Consciously working with our breath provides and opportunity to not only connect with our subtle energy, but also with our body and our mind. Straw breathing is a breathing technique designed to help increase feelings of calm and relaxation.
This technique provides a quick and easy way to slow the pace of the breath, especially if you fall into the cadence of rapid, shallow breathing. Based on research, its been suggested that this technique is great way to tap into the parasympathetic nervous system to promoting relaxation, as well as strengthen the lungs and ease anxiety.
How you can do it:
Find a comfortable posture in the body, and relax your neck and shoulders.
Inhale through your nose for a count of 4 seconds, keeping your mouth closed.
Purse your lips like you’re about to blow air or drink through a straw
Breathe out through your lips for a count of 6-8 seconds.
Repeat these steps as many times as desired.
When you release the technique, take a few moments to observe any differences in your mind, body, or breath.